Recipe: spaghetti with fresh tuna and lemon!

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This recipe is very simple and tastes very fresh, even if it’s a warm dish! What’s important here is having good quality raw material!

Believe me, you’ll just need the time of cooking pasta and supper’s ready! If you have guests, they’ll be delighted by the elegance and freshness of this plate.

Ingredients (4 people almost)

  • 400 g spaghettoni (thick spaghetti)
  • 300 g fresh tuna
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Olive oil
  • 1 chili
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 

First of all, make a large pot of water boil with some salt. As soon as the water properly boils, put the spaghetti in the pot and let them cook. You must drain them when they are “al dente”.

Cut the fresh tuna into square pieces.

Put the olive oil in a pan, add the unpeeled clove of garlic and the chili to the oil. Make the garlic roast for 2/3 minutes, then take it off the pan. For what concerns chili, I like hot food, but if you don’t, take it off together with garlic.

Add the lemon juice and some grated lemon zest (just a few) and let it slowly cook in the pan for just some minutes.

One minute before spaghetti are ready (al dente!!!!!), put the parsley and add the tuna and quickly sauté it in the sauce.

Drain the spaghetti and sauté them in the pan with the tuna and lemon sauce fore 1 minute, just the time that they take the sauce, without overcooking tuna!

Serve them immediately!

One thing… I am sure you’ve learned by now and I shouldn’t even say this again: nooooo cheese on tuna and fish in general! Don’t add any cheese if you don’t want to ruin the plate! Italian rule!

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