BRESAOLA ROLLS – fresh for summer!

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During warm summer days, bresaola is a fresh and light base for your recipes. It can be put in salads, it can be eaten simple with a side or it can be elaborated with a bit of fantasy.

I suggest you this version that can be used as a proper dish or as a starter….it depends of the quantity you make!!


  • 150 g sliced bresaola
  • 3 zucchini
  • 150 g caprino (goat cream cheese)
  • 2 minced mint leaves
  • salt, pepper, olive oil


Preheat the oven at 190°C. Cut zucchinis into slices the long side and dispose them in the oven with some baking paper, salt and oil. Let them cook for 15 minutes and take off the oven.

Take a bowl and mix the cheese with some salt, pepper, the minced mint and some drops of olive oil.

Take each bresaola slice, put a zuccini slice on it, a spoon of cheese on a side and make a roll, like a sigar shape! Cheese must be just in the inside of it.

Repeat this operation for each slice of bresaola.

Make the bresaola rolls rest in the fridge for at least one hour, so they’ll be more compact.

Serve cool and….enjoy it!!!!

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