It’s Carnival time! Frittelle!!!!!Recipe from Venice!!

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Venice is famous for its wonderful Carnival. You should absolutely visit it!!!!

In this period there are some typical sweet dishes. One of my favoureite is “Frittelle” or, in Venician “Fritoe”. It’s a kind of “fritter”, I don’t know how to describe it in English because it’s very typical and I don’t think there is a similar dish somewhere else.


  • 400 g flour
  • 100 g raisins
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of milk
  • A bit of rhum
  • 30 g yeast
  • Salt
  • Oil for fying
  • Some powdered sugar for decorating

Soak the raisins in some water to soften them.

Melt the yeast in some warm water (2/3 tablespoons).

Mix the flour with sugar and a pinch of salt. Use a bowl because of the consistency of the final result. Make the flour mix in the shape of a fountain and add in the eggs, rhum and yeast. Start mixing it and add as much milk as you need to obtain a thick batter. Add the raisins (after drying them).

Let the batter rest covered until it doubles its volume.

Put the oil in a deep pan (frittelle must float in it). When it’s hot, put the batter inside it with a spoon (each frttella is a tablespoon of batter).

When the frittella gets a brown/caramel color, take it off and dry it.

You can stuff them with some eggnog cream or custard if you like!

Decorate them with some powdered sugar on top.

You’ll love them!!! You can prepare them also for a Carnival party and share with your friends this Venician specialty!!!

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