MELANZANE A SCARPONE – an aubergine recipe

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Dear friends, this recipe is good for vegetarians too!

Melanzane a scarpone means boot-shaped aubergines. They have a Mediterranean taste. It’s a simple but tasty recipe from Naples and I’m sure you’ll love it! As usual, the quality of ingredients is very important.

Aubergines – melanzane a scarpone


  • 4  aubergines
  • 50 g parmesan cheese
  • 1 tablespoon salted capers
  • 50 g olives (I like using half green and half black)
  • 2 salted anchovies
  • 50 g breadcrumbs
  • 150 g cherry tomatoes
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 50 g provolone cheese
  • 2 basil leaves
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper

Wash the aubergines, cut them in 2 and take off the pulp. Cut the pulp in little squared pieces and put some salt on them. Leave them to rest for 30 minutes and then dry them with some kitchen paper (the juice you see is the bitter part of the aubergine).

Put on a pan some olive oil and the unpeeled garlic. Fry in this oil the aubergine pieces. When they are ready, throw the garlic away and put the aubergine pulp in a bowl. Add the anchovies cut in small pieces, capers (wash the salt away before putting capers and anchovies in the bowl), chopped olives, chopped cherry tomatoes, breadcrumbs, parmesan, chopped basil and the provolone cheese cut in small pieces, salt and pepper.

Fill with this magic mixture the aubergines.

Warm the oven to 180°C. Cook the stuffed aubergines for 30 minutes almost. If you see they risk to become too brown, cover them with aluminum for a while, then let them finish cooking uncovered.

Serve melanzane a scarpone warm! Can’t you already smell the smell of this amazing dish? They can be a meal, a side or a starter, depending on the quantity you serve!

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