Commonplaces: GNOCCHI, another tortured dish!

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Gnocchi, as I said about pasta, are a main dish and they are not a side. If you find, for instance, steak with gnocchi, get suspicious! They can’t be Italian, or maybe they don’t remember how to do it! On tv, I don’t remember if in Kitchen nightmares or Mistery Diners I saw somebody doing this awful thing!!!

There are so many amazing side dishes! Why using gnocchi???? Do you want to make Italians cry?

Even if you look through Instagram or Pinterest you will find some crazy cooks taking pictures of their sinister creations contemplating gnocchi as a side dish!
In Italy we serve them just with sauces or – in some recipes cooked in the oven – (I’ll tell you some of them in the future), but always as main dish, as a so-called “primo piatto”, just like pasta which is another brutalized food.

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