Recipe for Christmas Eve: BIGOI IN SALSA

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Bigoli are like thicker spaghetti with a rough surface. They are typical of the Venetian area. 

They are locally called “bigoi”. 

Bigoi in salsa are a recipe we usually eat on Christmas Eve. Ingredients are very poor but they are delicious and they have the taste of tradition. I really love them! They are linked to my family dinners, so they taste love to me!

Here are ingredients for 4 guests: 

  • 400 g bigoli (bigoi 🙂  ) 
  • 1 onion 
  • 10 anchoves in salt 
  • Olive oil 
  • 1 glass white wine 
  • Salt and pepper. 

Chop the onion and let it slowly cook in olive oil (almost a glass) until soft and golden, melt the anchovies in the pan with the onion and add the wine. Let it slowly cook. You must obtain a creamy sauce. Add pepper and (if you feel it’s missing, but anchovies are already salted) salt. 

In the meanwhile make the salted water boil and cook bigoli. Sauté them in the sauce when ready until the sauce is homogeneously spread, and eat immediately. 

Let me know if you like them!!! 

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