FOOD NETWORK and their NOT Italian manicotti.

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On social networks yesterday I found a post shared by foodnetwork that made me jump on my chair!
Listen to that…chicken alfredo manicotti!

When I read this I was sweating!!!

Now I’ll tell you what’s not compliant for an Italian in this recipe, even if as usual I’m not criticizing the goodness of the result. I feel it as a duty towards you, affectionate readers:

1) manicotti in Italy are not pasta. Manicotti are these:

I don’t think you’d like to find them in your plate!

2) Alfredo sauce is not Italian (do you remember? look at this post: )

3) We don’t mix pasta and chicken!

Furthermore, something that really made me lough a lot is that, if I try to open the link, this page is forbidden! I can access only to Italian contents of the page. For instance, I can’t see any American recipe I find interesting. I guess that only in the US you can go through this. In Italy it’s locked.

Do you think they are scared I can see all the Alfredos they post? Or to the Carbonaras and Amatricianas with garlic???? Maybe…. Who knows…. LOL I’m joking! I know that Food Network correctly has its own site for each country!

Note: Obviously my posts haven’t any intention of offending anybody or of criticizing the goodness, quality and tastes of any dish or recipe. What I write is just a personal consideration concerning the adherence of recipes to the Italian ones, considering local habits, usages and traditions. The mood of the blog can be ironic and sometimes sarcastic, but with no aim of disappointing anybody. If somebody feels offended or struck by my words, please don’t. Moreover feel free to write me and explain your point of view (public channels like this blog are best welcome). It would be a pleasure for me. My intention is a constructive and sincere exchange of opinions.

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