Pasta all’Amatriciana

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This is really one of the simpliest and nicest recipes! one of my favourites pasta ever! Who is the crazy person who doesn’t like a proper amatriciana?

It comes from Amatrice, a town in the wonderful region of Abruzzo, a land that in the last years has been harassed by earthquakes, but that is full of people with a huge heart.

Ingredients are just a few. This is the quantity for 4 people.

• 400/450 g Bucatini (it’s the best pasta to use) or I like mezze maniche or maccheroni
• 100/150 g Guanciale (jowl) – the best one is the one from Amatrice but it’s not so easy to find
• 400 g Tomato sauce
• Half glass of White wine
• 75 g pecorino cheese
• Salt, pepper, chilli

Cut the jowl into small cubes. Warm the pan and cook the cubes of jowl mixing them quickly. They’ll fry in their own fat. After a couple of minutes, pour the wine on them and make it evaporate.

Take on a side the jowl, leaving the fat on the pan. Put the tomato on the pan, put salt, pepper and chilli and let it cook for some minutes.

Put the jawl back in the pan with the tomatoes and cook the sauce (it must cook almost 20 minutes). One big mistake I notice abroad, is that sauces made with tomatoes are usually cooked too quickly.

While you prepare the sauce, make water boil with a punch of salt. When the water boils (not sooner!!! Be careful!!), put the bucatini in the water. Drain the pasta “al dente” and mix it with the sauce and the pecorino cheese.
You’ll love it!! It will be tasty and juicy!

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